안녕하세요. 온라인게임할때 필요한 오토클릭 다운로드를 안내합니다. 아이온 등 온라인 게임할때 필수로 설치해야 합니다. 오토클릭 다운로드는 하단쪽에 스크롤 이동하시면 다운로드 하실수 있습니다. 오토클릭 다운로드하시고 즐겜 하시길 바랍니다.
오토클릭 2.1 무료 다운로드 설치
AutoClick is a great program to save the clicks you make with the mouse, just in the precise moment and area of the screen where you made it, this program allows you to save that sequence of clicks and play them exactly when and where you choose.
It can be very useful in programs or games that you need to click on certain zones every now and then and not to do it manually or while being present in front of the computer, this little program will do it for you.
You also have the option of repeating the click sequence every time you have finished the recorded sequence or ending it once you have finished it.
- Run AutoClick.
- Run game or other program.
- Put the pointer on the place you want to click.
- Press F3 to start auto click.
- If you want to stop click,press F3 again.
- The default hotkey is F3,you can change it.
Smart Click:
- Press F4 to start record.
- Put the pointer on 'Record' on the floating bar .
- Press Left Mouse Button,drag the pointer to the place you want to click and then release button.
- Repeat 2 and 3 to record more positions.
- Press F4 to stop record.
- Select Smart Click and press F3 to start click.
오토클릭 무료 다운로드 사용법 매크로 네이버 스마트클릭 사용법 2.1 빠르게 정리