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레드자이언트 유니버스 플러그인 - 크랙 다운로드 (RED GIANT UNIVERSE V3.3)

레드자이언트 유니버스는 레드자이언트에서 출시된 모든 비디오 트랜지션과 효과 플러그인이 포함된 통합팩 입니다.


레드자이언트 유니버스 - 크랙 다운로드
편집자와 모션 그래픽 아티스트를 위한 비디오 전환 및 효과




Red Giant Universe 는 Windows 및 Mac 플랫폼에서 Adobe After Eeffect, Premiere Pro, OFX, FCP X, DaVinci Resolve, Motion 등 인기 있는 그래픽 처리 소프트웨어를 사용하는 영화 제작자 및 모션 그래픽 아티스트를 위해 특별히 개발된 특수 효과 플러그인 라이브러리입니다. 여기에는 수백 가지 유형의 GPU 가속 비디오 전환 및 시각 효과 플러그인(예: 특수 효과, 전환, 색상 팔레트, 조명 효과, 입자 전환 등)이 포함되어 있습니다.


Red Giant 는 비디오 제작 측면에서 PluralEyes에서 조명 효과 및 색상 혼합에 이르는 강력한 플러그인으로 유명하여 영화 및 TV 후반 작업 실무자의 작업을 보다 쉽고 효율적으로 만듭니다. Red Giant Universe는 Red Giant가 이전에 개발한 모든 플러그인(무료 및 유료)을 한 곳에서 모으는 플러그인의 모음 플랫폼으로 간단히 생각할 수 있습니다.

간단히 말해서, Red Giant Universe는 본질적으로 영화와 텔레비전의 후반 작업에 빠르게 액세스하고 사용할 수 있는 효과 및 전환 모음입니다. 그러나 단순한 플러그인 저장소가 아니라 매우 높은 효율성과 사용 편의성을 제공하며 GPU 가속을 지원합니다.




Universe 5는 이제 가장 많이 사용되는 호스트 애플리케이션 중 하나에 반드시 필요한 기능인 Adobe After Effects의 MFR(Multi-Frame Rendering)을 활용합니다. 멀티 프레임 렌더링은 After Effects에서 병렬 렌더링으로 멀티 코어 CPU를 활용할 수 있습니다.


Universe 제너레이터는 모든 비디오 프로젝트를 위한 환상적인 콘텐츠 리소스입니다. 클립 사이에 시각적 필러를 제공하거나 타이틀 뒤에 애니메이션 배경 또는 비디오 위에 겹쳐 멋진 효과를 만들 수 있습니다.






VHS, Retrograde Carousel, Glize, Holomatrix II 등과 같은 도구를 사용하여 영상에 진정한 복고풍과 현대적 모습을 제공합니다.



NLE에서 아름다운 텍스트 처리를 손쉽게 구현할 수 있습니다.







클립 들아시의 매끄러운 트랜지션을 즉시 생성할 수 있습니다!



블렌딩 모드와 카메라 셰이크를 추가하는 툴들을 포함한 모든 유틸리티를 볼 수 있습니다.






Premiere Pro와 After Effects에서의 작업이 더 이상 수월할 수가 없습니다. 도킹 가능한 Universe 대시보드는 모든 Universe툴들을 한 곳으로 가져와 효과 및 프리셋 전체 라이브러리를 간단하게 살펴보고 적용할 수 있습니다.


Universe의 모든 툴들은 프리셋을 제공하여 시작에 도움을 줄 뿐 아니라 즉각적으로 프로페셔널한 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다.



플러그인 소개

Tool Intro
VHS VHS gives your modern footage the classic look, color and distortion of old video tape.
GLITCH Get the look of compressed, glitched video.
HOLOMATRIX II Give your footage the look and distortion of a sci-fi hologram, digital display, and more.
RETROGRADE Retrograde gives your footage the authentic look and damage of old 16MM and 8MM film.
CHROMATIC ABERRATION Realistic lens distortion effect with chromatic separation, blur, texture and more.
CAMERA SHAKE Add simulated handheld camera motion to your footage.
LOGO MOTION Instantly add dynamic animations that bring your text and logos on and off screen.
FINISHER Finisher makes it easy to dramatically improve the image quality of your DSLR footage.
GLITCH TRANSITION Transition between footage or text with the look of compression glitches and compressed data.
GRAIN16 Real 16MM film grain to add to your footage.
RETROGRADE TRANSITION A transition that uses real scans of 16mm and 8mm film to create an authentic film strip transition.
VHS TRANSITION A transition that mimics the effect that occurs when a VCR has been used to record over pre-existing footage.
CAROUSEL TRANSITION A transition that mimics advancing to the next slide in an old slide projector.
CHANNEL SURF A transition that mimics the distortion you’d get by changing the channel on a cathode ray tube TV.
FLICKER CUT A transition that rapidly cuts between two clips or a solid color, and which can invert the clips or add fades.
COLOR MOSAIC A Transition that overlays a variety of colors in a mosaic pattern as it transitions between 2 clips.
SHAPE WIPE A transition that uses an ellipse, rectangle or star shape to move between 2 pieces of footage. Includes control over points, size, stroke and fill.
LINEAR WIPE A classic linear wipe with the addition of wipe mirroring, as well as an inner/outer stroke with glow on the wipe border.
CLOCK WIPE A classic radial wipe transition with feathering and the option for a dual clock wipe.
CHANNEL BLUR A transition that blurs each of the RGB channels separately for a unique chromatic effect.
CAMERA SHAKE TRANSITION A transition that mimics camera shake while it transitions between clips.
ECTO Create haunting, evolving titles with this glowing fractal-based effect, inspired by Ghostbusters and Stranger Things.
GLO FI II Glow-fi is a self-animating, fractal-based glow effect for text. Add a unique, organic glow with presets and advanced controls.
LINE Create an animated straight or curved line between two points, with elements that move along that path for flights, tours, maps and more.
LONG SHADOW Apply a colored, long shadow to your text, logo, or shape.
HUD COMPONENTS Quickly add animated Heads Up Display elements into your motion graphics, interface animations, and visual effects shots.
KNOLL LIGHT FACTORY EZ A set of quick setup Lens Flare tools from Industrial Light & Magic’s John Knoll. Add color, depth and excitement to live-action or motion graphics.
LUSTER Give your text a slick 1980’s retro look. Luster applies a metal sheen to text layers to get that glassy simulated 3D vibe.
OVERLIGHT OverLight is a lens flare and light leak texture plugin that makes it easy to apply washed-out glows and lens flares to your footage.
CAROUSEL Carousel captures the classic look of vintage color cross-processing, film fading, and vignettes.
AV CLUB Mimic the lo-fi, noisy text you find on ancient video tapes, old infomercials and local access cable channel shows.
CHROMATIC GLOW Add colorful, rainbow like glows around titles and bright areas in any shot. Creates multi-chromatic diffuse glows or sharp-edged highlights.
TITLE MOTION Create text and shapes and then instantly add dynamic animations that bring it on and off screen. Great for titles, lower thirds, callouts and more.
HALFLIGHT A library of optically-captured, highly customizable light leak transitions that give your footage a moody and filmic look.
TEXTURIZE Give your footage and text a Walking Dead-style grungy textured treatment. Seamlessly tiling textures make it easy to bring depth to your video.
HEATWAVE Heatwave is a rippling heat distortion effect, with controls for intensity, direction, speed, and more.
EXPOSURE BLUR TRANSITION A transition that blurs footage while bumping up the exposure to create a dynamic blend.
SPECTRALICIOUS A 6-color gradient effect with controls blending options, exposure, and saturation. Includes 12 presets that simulate sky color tones and more.
FRACTAL BACKGROUND Quickly create complex and colorful looping fractal-based backgrounds for your motion graphics work.
KNOLL LIGHT TRANSITION A transition that uses animated Knoll Light Factory flares, with 31 unique presets to quickly move you from shot to shot.
FILM TRANSITION A transition tool featuring retro film countdown-style film leaders and test strips, scanned from archival film stock.
SOFT GRADIENT BACKGROUND A looping gradient background generator with fractal noise, textures and more. Choose from noise types for various moving gradients.
UNMULT Create an alpha channel for any image or video shot on a black background. Useful for compositing fire, smoke, water and more.
POINT ZOOM Zoom blur with added glow to create a holographic projection look when applied to text or images. Create the illusion it’s coming from a light source.
GLIMMER Create colorful glints and animated twinkling effects at the bright areas of your image for beauty shots, titles, music videos and more.
SWISH PAN Mimic a fast camera “swish pan” movement while blending from one layer to another. Choose from directional options and control the exposure.
RGB SEPARATION Separates and offsets the RGB channels in an image. Controls adjust the radius, scale and angle of the channel separation, as well as distortion.
SPECTRALICIOUS TRANSITION Creates a 6 point color map from your A and B footage and uses the colors to transition between the two with 23 animation style options.
EDGE GLOW Create a glowing effect on the edges and outlines of images – perfect for titles and logos with controls for glow, brightness, saturation, and tint.
GLOW A diffused glow that softens the bright parts of the image. Isolate a specific color within your footage and apply a glow to just that color.
SHRINKRAY ShrinkRay is a fast and easy way to make big things look tiny by simulating a tilt shift effect.
TURBULENCE TRANSITION A luminance-based transition effect, with a dissolve driven by an adjustable fractal gradient.
BLUR A simple, high quality blur effect that can work in linear gamma space.
PRISM DISPLACEMENT Distort and displace the pixels in your image with a prism-like, chromatic effect based on the luminance values of another layer.
DIAMOND WAVE A 3D Transition that divides the layers into diamond shaped segments which rotate in an offset fashion revealing vertically or horizontally.
BLINDS A 3D Transition that divides the layer into sections which rotate in an offset fashion vertically or horizontally revealing the 2nd layer of footage.
FISHEYE FIXER Fisheye Fixer for GoPro corrects GoPro fisheye lens distortion, with four custom settings: wide, medium, narrow or superview.
COLOR STRIPE A transition that uses layered blocks of color wiping across the screen to reveal a second layer.
CUBE A 3D Transition that places the layers onto the sides of a cube which rotate right, left, upwards or downwards revealing the 2nd layer of footage.
TURBULENCE NOISE Create fractal noise with 9 patterns, interpolations, appearance options, animations, transform, opacity controls, and turbulence.
UNFOLD A 3D Transition that moves the top layer out of the frame in a chosen direction while the 2nd layer unfolds itself out moving right, left, up or down.
SOFT EDGE WIPE A linear wipe transition with an adjustable feathered or stroked edge. Used for transitioning between two layers of footage using a subtle blend.
INSIDE CUBE A 3D Transition that places the layers onto the sides of an inverse cube which rotates right, left, upwards or downwards revealing the 2nd layer.
TRIANGLE WAVE A 3D Transition that divides the layers into triangular segments that rotate in offset vertically or horizontally revealing the second layer.
RUBIX CUBE A 3D Transition that places the layers onto the sides of a 3D cube which rotates segments of the cube right, left, upwards or downwards.
PICTURE IN PICTURE Easily composite and frame one layer of footage over a larger layer. Includes the ability to add and customize a colored border and drop shadow.
MISFIRE MisFire adds scratches, dust, flicker, noise and more, giving your footage a stylized aged look.
NOIR MODERNE Create dramatic noir lighting effects, with saturation controls, optically captured vignettes, flickering, venetian patterns and more.
GRADIENT RAMP Creates an RGB gradient with two or three colors and gives control over color position, alpha, interpolation, aspect, noise, and compositing modes.
COMPOUND BLUR A tool that blurs pixels based on the luminance values of another layer.
DOLLY FADE A 3D transition that moves the second layer in z-space while fading in the opacity of the layer over the first layer.
SPOT BLUR Blurs the area of the frame inside or outside a rectangle, ellipse and other shape presets, or from your own custom shape.
FOLD A 3D Transition that folds the top layer in half onto itself while unfolding the 2nd layer out moving right, left, upwards or downwards.
SLIDE A 3D Transition that slides the layer away right, left, upwards or downwards revealing the 2nd layer of footage.
…. ….




포함된 플러그인

Free plug-ins Paid plug-ins
  • Billowed Background
  • Blackhole
  • Blur
  • Camera Shake
  • Channel Blur
  • Checkerboard
  • Color and Gamma Conversion
  • Compare Frames
  • Compound Blur
  • Diffuse Glow
  • Edge Glow
  • Elliptical Distortion
  • Exposure Blur Transition
  • Fade In
  • Fade Out
  • Fill Alpha
  • Fish Eye Distortion
  • Flip
  • Glo Fi
  • Glow Highlights
  • Grid
  • Hyperbolic Blur
  • Hyperbolic Dissolve Transition
  • Luminance Noise
  • Magnetic Displace
  • Masked Blur
  • Masked Clone
  • Masked Mosaic
  • Noir Moderne Light
  • Photo 2
  • PixelGlow EZ
  • Radial Blur
  • RGB Displacement
  • Ripples
  • Rotate
  • Shutter
  • Simple RGB Separation
  • Singularity
  • Sobel Edges
  • Soft Edge Wipe
  • Streak Blur
  • Swish Pan
  • Three Color Ramp
  • Two Color Ramp
  • Venetian
  • Zoom Blur
  • Zoom Blur Transition
  • More tools will be added regularly
  • 3D Blinds
  • 3D Cube
  • 3D Fold
  • 3D Inside Cube
  • 3D Rubics Cube
  • 3D Slide
  • 3D Unfold
  • Carousel
  • Chromatic Aberration
  • Chromatic Glow
  • Diamond Wave
  • Finisher
  • Fisheye Fixer
  • Glimmer
  • Glitch
  • Glitch Transition
  • Grain16
  • Halflight
  • Holomatrix
  • Holomatrix EZ
  • Knoll Light Factory EZ
  • Knoll Light Transition
  • OverLight
  • Picture in Picture
  • Prism Displacement
  • Retrograde
  • ShrinkRay
  • SplitScreen Blocks
  • SplitScreen Custom Blocks
  • Texturize
  • ToonIt Cartoon
  • ToonIt Outlines
  • ToonIt Paint
  • ToonIt Presets
  • ToonIt Retouch
  • ToonIt Sketch
  • ToonIt Thermal
  • ToonIt Transition
  • Triangle Wave
  • Turbulence Noise
  • Turbulence Noise EZ
  • VHS


// 지원되는 애플리케이션 //

  • After Effects 에프터이펙트
  • Premiere Pro 프리미어프로
  • Final Cut Pro X 파이널컷
  • Motion 모션
  • VEGAS Pro 베가스
  • DaVinci Resolve 다빈치리졸브
  • HitFilm Pro
  • Avid Media Composer

// Edition Statement //

AppNee는 Windows 32비트 및 64비트용 Red Giant Universe Premium Edition 다국어 사전 활성화 설정 또는 전체 설치 프로그램 및 범용 일련 번호와 Mac용 전체 설치 프로그램 및 잠금 해제된 파일을 제공합니다.


// 관련된 링크들 //




1. 직접 다운로드 






for v3.1.5+ on Windows:

  1. ' Universe Installer.exe ' 다운로드 및 설치 (매우 느림)
  2. 설치가 끝나면 ' 활성화... '를 클릭 합니다.
  3. 은 "에서 레드 자이언트 응용 프로그램 관리자 "창을 클릭합니다 ' 알았어 그것은 '다음 '을 클릭 취소 '
  4. 오른쪽 상단 모서리에서 " 일련 번호 입력 "을 선택 하고 다음 일련 번호를 사용하여 활성화를 완료합니다.
    • RLPK2245855360592319
    • RLPK2245831771673083
  5. 완료


레드자이언트 크랙 레드자이언트 플러그인 레드자이언트 설치 레드자이언트 유니버스 레드자이언트 무료 레드자이언트 코스모 레드 자이언트 다운로드 레드자이언트 사용법





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